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Architectural Design - Outside In or Inside out?

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

When we think of Architecture what do you think of? Is it expanses of space, light and air? is it a large extension, a beautiful kitchen or something surreal, imaginary, poetic, a sculpture perhaps? As Architects we can design from the inside out or the outside in. I can sit on a chair or in the landscape until I have felt the site, Was it not Frank Lloyd Wright that spent the time on sight with Fallingwater even though he had pressure from the client? In comparison was it not Maximus played by Russell Crowe who felt the corn fields in Gladiator before he went to War?

Architects must feel the site, not just with their eyes but they must learn from Nature, we are after all just human. Nature will tell us many things, it will tell us how buildings need to be designed and how well they fit into the landscape, and invertly the landscape will tell us what type and style of buildings are needed for that particular site and to integrate man and nature.

We may design looking at the Guru under the tree, or Architecture which is as bright as the orange robe worn by Theravada Buddhists in Southeast Asia, or from another sense of spirituality, but is it not the beauty of nature that inspires Architects? so many times we learn from nature, yet it cannot be ignored, it is really asking us to treat nature the way it should be treated; i.e. with utter care and dedication. If you plant the seed it will multiply, and as Architects we must plant the seed that connects man and nature.

We may not have the perfect form yet, even though in the end, the purity of form becomes the ultimate desire, because that house extension you want and what you want to encapsulate in your dream home, (or the home you currently reside in, to get towards your dream home) we are actually thinking about your design late into the night and the early mornings until we hear the birds sing; we really do have you, at heart and when it comes to pen on paper, the perfect design would come from being on site all day, I will be at one with nature, what more could one ask for and instead of being in the office tied to the computer, I would rather just be outside your house all day... if you had the time.

Let us get to know you more, let us connect and let us build the ideas of what mother nature told us. In a funny sort of way, architecture is more than just about shapes and forms, it's more rational, its political, its spiritual and its ever changing and at the same time its frozen, was it not John Portman, with his pollock like paintings that said "Architecture is frozen music."

Architectural designs can come from the micro and the macro and of course from Inspirational Architects we were taught about in Architecture Schools. Have you met a famous Architect? we would love to hear your stories? The day I met Professor Thom Mayne (leader of the avant-garde movement of California architecture) from the Morphosis Studio in LA, I must admit I was inspired by his studio and the large models the size of tables.

The student interns that are straight out of Architecture schools, would spend 6 months in the model making workshop before they were allowed to work in the main studio.

I will always remember the hanging bikes on the angled studio walls and the intensity of the crits.

At Archi-tekt Partnership we have an Architect that thinks from the outside in, whilst I think from the inside out, a great team is born, and our team is ever expanding connecting with building professionals, Engineers, Interior designers and yes even planning (this time they win) and enforcement and so the both of us can help you, whether it's discussions with the principle or with an Associate, we will understand your needs, so just leave us to it, let us do our drawings, don't chase us too much during the day, because like the bees making honey we are busy, busier than can ever be, but yet we are always willing to listen to your voice and the most intimate detail of your desires, because we hope we can give you exactly what you need:)

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