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Architectural Agents vs. Architects


Updated: Feb 12, 2022

When you think of Agents you may think of 007. However, even James Bond would be fearful of Agents in the profession, I am sure the way our national hero is dressed, can only mean he is on the path of going to an RIBA Registered Architect, worth while. The service and quality that we can provide is just as good as the suit he wears.

The relationship between Agents that don't do the work and Architects that actually do the work is considered to be far and apart, and an Agent is no way an Architect, also the client may think the Agent is an Architect. Watch out for the warning signs, the next time your at the traffic lights...Agents may use the phrase architectural services, or architectural design consultants etc.."tectural" meaning having experience in the architectural landscape but not qualified as an Architect. "tectural" can mean trying to be like an Architect but not actually quite there yet!

Architect's will help you save on fees, in the long run, even though at times an architects quote may be a slightly more expensive quote than what an Agent offers you, or what an architectural office may offer you, but then you will be getting that piece of mind that our company can offer and also, the level of protection that you deserve.

As Architect's, we can see what will happen down the line with planning as we have experienced it all. Remember if a job takes 30mins to do, your not paying for the 30mins, but paying for the 7 years it took to become an Architect, your also paying for the experience and the high level of professionalism that can be compared to a Surgeon. Let us think now why is it that Doctors are not questioned on whether you can give a discount on Brain Surgery or a heart transplant? and at the other end of the spectrum we have Pharmacists being actual Pharmacists and not Pharmaceutical Designers. So let us now for a brief moment respect the Architect, he/she may not be Godlike, or a superhero/superheroine but they can definitely save you!

At Archi-tekt Partnership, we will give you the best service! We will work closely with you at all the stages of your project. We will even think about the way you would like your door to open. Our coordination with our professional teams will go beyond the normal service, so whether its an inverted skyscaper in the middle of the city centre, a colony on Mars, or a Grade 2 Listed building, nothing is impossible and we will work with you, with a down to earth approach. No more complicated jargon or problems leading to designs not getting built.

We will approach each project with:-

  • What is right for you,

  • What is right for the site and

  • What can be done,

If adjustments are needed along the way we can help you maximise that potential and work with planning to create extensions that are proportional to your existing building.

We are equally experienced on new build projects, apartments, high rise buildings as well as the simple kitchen extension, where we can add that unique special twist, far from the zest of a lemon!

An Architect can offer all these services and much more.

Get in touch and we can take your project to the next level. You deserve it!



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